

2022-02-19 11:25:36 來源: 瀏覽:

趙智雯,女,199310月出生,湖北省丹江口市人,中共黨員,于20166月首都師范大學化學(師范)專業(yè)本科畢業(yè),獲得理學學士學位,同年,保送至東北師范大學攻讀博士學位并于20216月博士畢業(yè),獲得理學博士學位。曾獲得中國留學基金委公派留學獎學金于20199月至20209赴英國利物浦大學聯合培養(yǎng),于202110月至202112月赴南京大學訪學交流。已在Chemistry of Materials、The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters、ACS Sustainable Chemistry &EngineeringThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C、The Journal of Organic Chemistry 等雜志以第一作者身份發(fā)表SCI論文10余篇。






18. R. H. Li, S. Wang, Z. W. Zhao, Y. Geng, X. L. Wang, Z. M. Su, W. Guan*, Springboard Role for Iridium Photocatalyst: Theoretical Insight of C(sp3)?N CrossCoupling by PhotoredoxMediated Iridium/Copper Dual Catalysis versus SingleCopper Catalysis, ChemCatChem, accept, (SCI, IF=5.686)

17. Y. C. Duan, Y. Gao, Q. Q. Pan, Z. W. Zhao, Y. Wu, L. Zhao, Y, Geng*, Z. M. Su*,Whether the combination of AIE and TADF functional groups produces AIE-type TADF? –A theoretical study on the synergistic effect of TPE and carbazole donor group/thianthrene-tetraoxide acceptor group, Dyes and Pigments, 2021, 194, 109547 (SCI, IF=4.613)

16. Z. W. Zhao, ?. H. Omar, D. Padula, Y. Geng, A. Troisi,* Computational identification of alternative non-fullerene acceptors by modification of known compounds, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2021, 12, 20, 5009-5015 (SCI, IF=6.710)

15. Y. J. Dong, B. Zhu, Y. Geng, Z. W. Zhao, Z. M. Su*, W. Guan,* Radical mechanism of IrIII/NiII-metallaphotoredox catalyzed C(sp3)-H functionalization triggered by proton coupled electron transfer: theoretical insight, CCS Chemistry, 2021, 3, 1456–1467 (SCI)

14. Y. C. Duan, Q. Q. Pan, Z. W. Zhao, Y. Gao, Y. Wu, L. Zhao, Y, Geng*, M. Zhang, Z. M. Su*, Theoretical Simulations of Thermochromic and Aggregationinduced Emission Behaviors of a Series of Redlight Anthracene-o-carborane Derivatives, Chemistry A European Journal, 2021, 27, 9571 –9579 (SCI, IF=5.236)

13. Y. Fang, Y. C. Duan, Y. Geng*, Z. W. Zhao, R. L. Zhong, L. Zhao*, R. H. Li, M. Zhang, Z. M. Su*, Theoretical study on the photocyclization reactivity mechanism in a diarylethene derivative with multicolour fluorescence modulation, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2021, 406, 1, 113024 (SCI, IF=2.926)

12. Z. W. Zhao, Y. J. Dong, Y. Geng,* W. Guan,* R. H. Li, and Z. M. Su, The superiority of iridium-based photocatalyst and role of quinuclidine in the reaction of site-selective α-C(sp3)-H alkylation, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2021, 86, 1, 484–492 (SCI, IF=4.335)

11. Z. W. Zhao, M. d. Cueto, Y. Geng, A. Troisi,* Effect of increasing the descriptor set on machine learning prediction of small-molecule-based organic solar cells, Chemistry of Materials, 2020, 32, 18, 7777–7787 (SCI, IF=9.838)

10. Z. W. Zhao, A. Troisi, Y. Geng,* X. F. Wang,* Z. M. Su*, Exploring charge dissociation in a statistical sample of active layer models of organic solar cell, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124, 34, 18840–18846 (SCI, IF=4.443)

9. Y. J, Liang, Z. W. Zhao, Y. Geng*, Q. Q. Pan, H.Y Gu, L. Zhao, M. Zhang, S. X. Wu, Z. M. Su*, Can we utilize higher Frenkel exciton state in biazulene diimidesbased non-fullerene acceptors to promote charge separation at the donor/acceptor interface?, New Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 44, 9767-9774 (SCI, IF=3.288)

8. Z. W. Zhao, Q. Q. Pan, Y. Geng*, Y. Wu, L. Zhao, M. Zhang, Z. M. Su*, A theoretical insight into multiple charge-transfer mechanisms at the P3HT/nonfullerenes interface in organic solar cells, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7, 24, 19699–19707 (SCI, IF=6.354)

7. Q. Q. Pan, Z. W. Zhao, Y. Wu, Y. Geng*, Insight into the optoelectronic characteristics of diimide-based acceptors in organic solar cells by performing DFT calculation and molecular dynamics simulation, Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modellling, 2017, 77, 9-16 (SCI, IF=1.885)

6. Q. Q. Pan, Z. W. Zhao, Y. Wu, Y. Geng*, M. Zhang, Z. M. Su*, A theoretical exploration on why the replacement of hexyl group by alkoxycarbonyl in P3HT could greatly improve the performance of non-fullerene organic solar cell, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2019, 100, 160-167 (SCI, IF=4.040)

5. Z. W. Zhao, Q. Q. Pan, Y. C. Duan, Y. Wu, Y. Geng*, S. X. Wu, Z. M. Su*, Terminal modulation in search of a balance between hole transport and electron transfer at the interface for BODIPY-based organic solar cells, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123, 11, 6407–6415 (SCI, IF=4.443)

4. Z. W. Zhao, Y. C. Duan, Q. Q. Pan, Y. Gao, Y. Wu, Y. Geng*, L. Zhao, M. Zhang, Z. M. Su*, A probe into underlying Factors affecting ultrafast charge transfer at donor/IDIC interface of all-small-molecule nonfullerene organic solar cells, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2019, 375, 1-8 (SCI, IF=2.926)

3. Z. W. Zhao, Q. Q. Pan, Y. Geng*, S. X. Wu, M. Zhang, L. Zhao, Z. M. Su*, A theoretical design of performant chlorinated benzothiadiazole-based polymers as donor for organic photovoltaic devices, Organic Electronics, 2018, 61, 46-55 (SCI, IF=3.525)

2. Z.W. Zhao, Q. Q. Pan, S. X. Wu, Y. Wu, M. Zhang, L. Zhao, T. Gao, Y. Geng*, Z. M. Su*, Theoretical investigation on the effect of fluorine and carboxylate substitutions on the performance of benzodithiophene-diketopyrrolopyrrole-based polymer solar cells, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 2018, 137:51 (SCI, IF=1.678)

1. Z. W. Zhao, Q. Q. Pan, S. B. Li, Y. A. Duan, Y. Geng*, M. Zhang, Z. M. Su*, A theoretical exploration of the effect of fluorine and cyano substitutions in diketopyrrolopyrrole-based polymer donor for organic solar cells, Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modellling, 2017, 77, 9-16 (SCI, IF=1.834)


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